It wasn't until 2018 that I really grew to appreciate the magical powers of an epsom salt bath. I was in my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training here in Austin, and I was sore all the time (however, I wouldn't have traded that experience for the world - more on that another time) After each weekend, our Yoga Teacher would suggest taking a epsom salt bath to help soothe our tired muscles. It quickly grew to became my favorite form of self-care. A warm bath, a fun drink, and a book. It didn't matter how busy I was, I made sure to always carve out a little time each week for an epsom salt bath. A few years later, I am still a bath junkie. However, I have upped my bath ante to a whole new level thanks to a few ingredients.
So first let's talk about the magical properties of epsom salt, okay? Epsom salt baths help with so many things, as they assist your body's natural detoxification process, which ultimately help bring you back into alignment. These luxurious soaks can also support your skin health, reduce inflammation (hello sore muscles), lower your stress levels (thanks to the magnesium), and even aid in sleep support. I mean it's a win, win, win, win if you ask me.

In order to make your very own bath soak you want to start by finding a glass jar. As always, I'm a bit addicted to recycling glass jars so I have many cabinets full of these cuties, however you can also purchase little mason jars from grocery stores, or even drive over to Hobby Lobby to find some super cute jars.
Next up, grab some epsom salt. Make sure to look at the ingredients on the back of the bag before purchasing -You want pure epsom salt, no added essential oils, or fillers. That way we have control of only adding the purest, highest quality of ingredients to our soak.
The oils we will be using for today's bath soak DIY are Lavender & Cedarwood. You can also use other essential oils such as patchouli (great for skin support), Peppermint & Copaiba (both wonderful for sore muscles), and even Stress Away, a Young Living premade blend that is wonderful for emotional support.
Last supply you will need for this blend...dried flowers. My favorite. You can purchase these from amazon, Etsy, or even your local apothecary shop. I love to shop at Herb Bar here in Austin, such a magical and cozy space. When buying dried flowers, look for culinary grade, organic ones. Again, only the highest quality ingredients for this soak.
When it comes to actually making your bath soak, there is no real method to the madness. Use your intuition, and just have fun!
I will usually pour some epsom salt into a mixing bowl, and then slowly add my essential oils. When it comes to this blend, less is more. Start with about 10-20 drops and stir the oils and salt together. If you still want a stronger scent, add more oil as you go. Next up, add the flowers! My favorite part of the blend as it takes a normal bath soak, to high priestess levels. Add as much as your little heart desires. A spoonful, a handful, whatever! If you have a temperamental bath drain, maybe use less. Mix all the ingredients together, and transfer soak into your nice upcycled glass jar. Tie some twine to the top, and boom, you got yourself a gift made for a goddess.
Third picture is pulled from Pinterest. Source Unknown.
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