Introducing Wilde Folk HoliDIY

Introducing Wilde Folk HoliDIY
Okay you guys...I have a confession... I'm not the biggest fan of the Holidays. As I even type that out I feel my face cringing with embarrassment.

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High Vibes & Stress

High Vibes & Stress
Find out how CBD and Essential Oils can help you through times of chaos (yep, I'm talking about you Mercury Retrograde)

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Fall Equinox

Fall Equinox

Happy Fall Equinox, everyone! I didn’t even realize it was the first day of Autumn until hopping on social media today and I realized, wait a second… this day is symbolic AF for my fellow Wilde Witches. Okay, so why is the Autumnal Equinox so symbolic? Well first off, it...

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The History of a Pendulum

The History of a Pendulum

As some of you may know, the pendulum has been used as a tool for divination and dowsing for thousands of years. Throughout thousands of time periods, historians have continued to discover evidence of pendulum use. It's stated that historically pendulums have been used by the Pythian Oracle of Delphi...

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